Ready Player One Review

Am I told old for this? I am not sure about this, but I am pretty sure a lot of you guys (maybe the younger ones) will love the latest blockbuster of Steven Spielberg. Looks like Mr. Spielberg is back to his old roots and he indeed created a stunning world full of “easter eggs” and familiar characters from video games and movies. But in the end something was missing, at least for me…

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Death Wish Review

Despite of all the (negative) reviews I went to the see that movie at the next theatre with a friend. I have to admit I was waiting to see that long awaited remake of Charles Bronson’s 1974 classic, and when I heard that Eli Roth will direct, it was a must! And I think Mr. Bronson would not have been disappointed at all, if he would still be with us, knowing Bruce Willis did his job very well.

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Warcraft Review

Finally, the movie came out on Amazon Prime and I thought let´s give it a chance, despite what I´ve heard so far about the movie. However, if you know the director behind the movie “moon” and “source code” you would also give a try ;).
I have to admit, I´ve never played the game, so I apologize to all the fans about my review.

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